March's MVEA Union NotesPlease click this link to get the union updates for this month. There is a legislative update, information for you if you are called into a disciplinary meeting, and more. January's MVEA Union NotesPlease click this link to get a small taste of what the MVEA has been doing for its members. From meeting with Dr. Vergara to legislative updates, enjoy this quick overview of Union action. Canvas MOU for Secondary TeachersMVEA and the MVSD recently agreed to a memorandum of understanding around the extra time and work that the transition to Canvas will need to be implemented. There is some relief for the time required to make this transition (PCC time), and fewer classes to build into Canvas (three instead of six). There will be videos, and each member also has six hours of paid time to move content, watch videos or set up your Canvas classrooms. Class Overload InstructionsCheryl sent an email about class overload money, which included instructions for how to apply, and a link to the form. You can also find a PDF document of those same instructions on our Documents page. The overload money is a set amount each year, and will run out before the year is over. Make sure you submit your paperwork in a timely manner so that you get as much overload pay as possible. School Begins Tuesday - PSE & District AgreePSE bargainers and the district have reached a temtative agreement, thus ending the strike! MVEA members made a strong showing, and it made a diffrence. The district has decided to start school on Tuesday, September 3. Cheryl has sent an email to members' home email addresses. Here are a couple of bullet points:
Some Images of union power at the district office.It was a flood of blue as PSE and supporting MVEA members marched, chanted and even rang cow bells to call for a fair contract for our colleagues. Your Salary Schedule for 2024 - 2025Please click here to see our current salary schedule. Thanks again to our bargaining team for the gains in pay that we see this year. Your MVEA Elected Officers for 2024 - 25Congratulations to our elected officers for next year. Here are your officers for next year:
Note: Treasurer is a two year term of office, and was elected last year (Adam Sager). Your building will soon hold elections for building representative. Please consider running to represent your building at Rep Council. New voices are important, and the more members that participate the stronger our association is. The New Contract Is PublishedOur collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for 2023 - 2025 is now published. Lance sent a copy to your work email, and you can also find a copy on our Documents Page. |